EPS Documents

EPS Useful Documents

Here you will find all the documents that will help you navigate your way through the school year! Browse through schedules, academic calendar, and project information to find what you need.

EPS Schedules by Level

Level 1 - Schedule by Teams

Level 2 - Schedule by Teams

EPS Academic Calendar

All the important dates and deadlines can be found in the EPS Academic Calendar. This calendar contains information about the start/end of each module, feedback sessions, and presentation days. Make sure to refer to it regularly by following this link or downloading your own copy here.

EPS Student Handbook

EPS Student Handbook is your main friend throughout the learning process! This document contains all the important information that you need: deadlines, assessments, rules, and more! Don’t hesitate to download your own copy of this document and refer to it whenever you are experiencing a difficulty!

Project Documents

As a part of your EPS studies, you are required to participate in project work. This means you will make a team with your classmates and research information to later present it in one of the formats that you choose (for example, a video or presentation). The first step – ASK – helps you find the topic. While completing this step, you are required to fill in the first worksheet. This worksheet helps you narrow down your topic and make it more specific. The second step – INVESTIGATE – lets you do online research to gather the information for your project. The second worksheet will guide you through to make research easier and more organized. The third step of the project is called DEVELOP, and it lets you plan the content, choose the format, and start working on your project. The third worksheet provides some steps you can follow to make this process easier. The fourth step of the process is called PRESENT. The evaluation sheet for this part will be filled in by your mentor during your presentation. You do not need to download it or submit it to your mentor, but it is a good idea to look at it, so you can clearly understand how you are graded. Finally, the last project worksheet – REFLECT – gives you an opportunity to analyze your individual and team performance and reflect on what could be done to improve in the furute.

Writing Assignment Forms

Each writing assignment you submit has certain requirements that you have to follow. Download the associated worksheets by following the relevant links:

  1. Writing Assignment I – Submission Form
  2. Writing Assignment II – Submission Form
  3. Writing Assignment III – Submission Form