About EPS

EPS stands for English Preparatory School – a place for students who wish to learn academic English and study skills to be more successful at university. Here at EPS, we help students learn to read academic texts, watch lectures, make presentations, write essays… and so much more! EPS program is designed to not only foster English skills but also teach students to be independent and curious learners, who are responsible for their own learning. We want to inspire students and show them that learning can be a fun and life-changing experience if only they decide to give it a chance! At the core of the EPS Blended Learning program, there are five values that students work on day by day:


Knowing how to access & assess information is essential to every university student. In fact, most university tasks imply that students can find information, evaluate its quality, and use it effectively. Here at EPS, we teach students to use library books and online resources to find answers to the questions that interest them and evaluate the sources of information in terms of reliability.

Digital Literacy

EPS program is blended, which means that half of the time students are supposed to complete assignments and tasks online. We try to incorporate technology into students' daily study process. It prepares them for the university reality, where classes are often conducted online and instructors expect students to know how to use their devices for academic communication and research purposes.

Creativity & Innovation

EPS program employs an inquiry-based learning approach, which highly values project work. Throughout their time at EPS, students complete a lot of exciting projects by creating videos, posters, presentations, and other types of “products”, by asking research questions, investigating information, and presenting it to others. Working on projects helps them learn the material and research process in-depth.


Being successful at university means being a good at speaking and writing. At EPS, students present their work to others, have one-on-one feedback sessions with mentors, and participate in team reflection sessions. All these activities do not only teach students to communicate their ideas but also be responsive to feedback and self-reflect.


Working in teams is an essential skill for university and professional career. This is the reason why we at EPS are so dedicated to helping students become confident team members. Most of the EPS in-class activity happens in teams, where students get a chance to learn leadership, teamwork, and conflict-resolution skills for a successful future.

Meet Your Mentors

EPS mentors are there to help you improve, overlook your progress, guide you, and help you with your questions. Our mentors are highly qualified and they are excited to meet you!

Werlyne Dummac

Hello! My name is Werlyne. I strive to create a community of learners through art in a fun and positive environment. I destress by kickboxing and cuddling my cat. Unlike my cat, I am friendly, so you can always talk to me!